The Asian hornet (Vespa velutina) is an invasive species native to Southeast Asia. It has become a significant concern in various parts of the world, including Europe, due to its impact on local ecosystems, particularly honeybee populations.
- Appearance: Asian hornets are slightly smaller than the native European hornet (Vespa crabro). They have a dark brown or black velvety body, with a distinctive yellow or orange band near the end of their abdomen. Their legs are brown with yellow ends, giving them a recognizable appearance.
- Behavior: These hornets are highly predatory and are known to attack honeybee hives, which can devastate bee colonies. They primarily hunt bees by hovering outside the hive entrance and capturing bees in flight.
- Nesting: Asian hornets build large, round nests that are often found high in trees but can also be found in more sheltered locations like attics or outbuildings. The nests are made of chewed wood fibers, giving them a paper-like texture.
- Spring: Queens emerge from hibernation and start new colonies.
- Summer: The colony grows, and worker hornets actively forage for food.
- Autumn: The colony reaches its peak size, and new queens and males are produced.
- Winter: The colony dies off except for the fertilized queens, which hibernate until the next spring.
- Environmental: Asian hornets pose a significant threat to honeybees, which are crucial pollinators for many plants and crops. A single hornet can kill several bees in a short time, and a group of hornets can decimate an entire hive.
- Economic: The loss of honeybee populations can lead to reduced crop yields and increased costs for beekeepers who must invest in protective measures and recovery of lost colonies.
Control Measures
- Monitoring: Beekeepers and the public are encouraged to report sightings of Asian hornets to local authorities to aid in tracking and controlling their spread.
- Nesting: Locating and destroying nests is crucial. Professional pest control services are often necessary to safely remove nests due to the aggressive nature of hornets.
- Trapping: Using traps with bait (as previously described) to capture hornets can help reduce their numbers.
Reporting and Assistance
If you spot an Asian hornet or a nest, report it via the government Asian Hornet Watch App available to download from the Apple and Android app stores.